Thursday, March 31, 2005

The "Third World" Page?

I've noticed that the NY Times relegates almost all major stories about Third World nations to Page Three. For example, yesterday's story on the Monday-night Indonesia earthquake—the paper's first story to offer any official, non-speculative body counts—ran on Three. Indonesia is the lead photo, but the front, above the fold, was as usual dominated by U.S and Iraqi politics. Page Three seems to have become the place for Third-World stories that are worthy of Page One.

Granted, December's tsunamis made One—does a Third World story have to be that big, that cataclysmic, to get past Three?

A newspaper's front-page priorities should rotate from day to day. The Times' front ought to emphasize more than just U.S. and Iraqi government news.

2 of 2 Scott/Andy lookalikes agree:

Natalie Portman blew goats in both her last major roles. This has nothing to do with anything else on this blog, but I gotta bring it up anyway. In both Closer and Garden State, she played the whimsical, one-step-ahead-of-you, fun-but-screwed-up American girl. Garden State was a tad too cute to begin with. And Closer's script was just fragile enough that one screw-up could land it half-in-half-out of the shitter. In both movies, her noisy adorability cast a sickly radioactive glare over admirable performances and some clever writing.

Our enjoyment of the films was mauled and maimed by an incessant innner cry: "SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU'VE WORN OUT YOUR CUTENESS!"

Sunday, March 27, 2005

A description of my "vibe"

This happened a while ago, but I just wanted to have a record of it somewhere, and, well, this is about as official as it's gonna get. I guess in a sick way it could be one of those "Lives" columns in the NYT Magazine...

On a Saturday night last October, I was sitting in my Evanston apartment when the buzzer rang. I got up to answer it but instead of hitting the "talk" button, I accidentally hit the unlock button. I went into the hall to see who I'd let in. It was this young street guy, probably in his 20s, and I'd met him before at Burger King. He nagged me and pulled me into a conversation about demons, so I bought him some fries. Now he was in my building pretending to be looking for "someone he knew" who "lived there." I tried to ignore him and went back inside and locked my door. He walked up and down the stairs for a few minutes, then he knocked on my door and started calling out for someone by name. I said that person wasn't here. I went back to ignoring him.

A half-hour later I went out and as I was walking along Davis Street, the same guy rode up to me on his weird little low-sitting trick bike. He began to explain to me again that he had been looking for someone in my building. But I know the way this guy talks. I can tell just by the sound of his voice that he's full of shit and simply wants to hound people enough that they'll give him money—then hound them some more, because he's a moronic Chicago-Evanston kind of beggar. So I interrupted him:

"Yea—I don't care."


"I don't care."

"Oh, so you're gonna put off your lame, Satanic vibe..."


And he rode away.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Stopped by. Got bored. Left.

I'm back in Evanston now. I saw the scene and hung around for about an hour, if that. I'm tired and this entry is probably incomplete and incoherent.

I went to Pinellas Park hoping for a good look at the sick human circus. What I found Wednesday were tired and limp people. This circus has been milked dry, though the people still hanging around won't ever admit that. They're banking on this, as boring as it has become. They want to wring some more life out of it. It was fun when it began, I'm sure. Now even what's outlandish about it has become tiring and bland.

About 200 of these people were milling around with their signs and rosaries on a long mud-pit that had been fenced off for the ocassion with orange plastic webbing. They've kept it up this long but the fun moral outrage is gone. An Associated Press story describes it as "chaos." But this isn't chaos. This is just a case of people getting in the way and being lazy-dumb. It's less a storm and more a big pool of stagnant water. It's bovine but it's not a stampede.

Only one woman was making much noise. She wore a poofy pink, orange and white jogging suit, and when I first saw her she was barking at a couple of radio reporters and photographers, just blazing away at them. A large crucifix that had been propped up against the fencing had just fallen down into the trash or the mud, and that had her in a silly rage. This wasn't giving an interview; this was crazed and malignant spitting. If the reporters were going to understand her, they were going to have to meet her more than halfway.

"That's what it's gonna take! Somebody's gonna have to fall down on their face!" she shouted. She had this delirious, milky eyes. I thought she was angry with the reporters, and getting angrier, because they couldn't have worked themselves up like this about the crucifix or about any of the things that angered her. The rage just wasn't in them. Maybe she didn't understand that her raving wasn't going to change that. She was gone, too focused on the goal.

The protestors carried signs with howling slogans like "Feed Terri—Starve the Courts!" and "Jesus and Terri—Both Betrayed by a Kiss!" but it was really a scene of meek squalor. One pale and gangly woman was pacing from one end of the protestor corral to the other, preaching and staring into space, not looking for reactions or an audience but really just preaching to herself: "Glory to God, he's her protector, he's above all decisions!" Maybe he is—if these people are indulged any more than they have been, this case will result in years of judicial waffling until Schiavo dies on her own or her parents give in.

Some points just didn't seem worth making at all. "NEBRASKANS AGAINST EUTHANASIA" read one red poster with thick black lettering. These people all reminded me of a character in Crime and Punishment, a young radical who talks and interrupts until he's told everyone exactly what his principles are, down to the pickiest little nuance. But no one needs to know, and no one cares, and this character turns himself into a ridiculous and irrelevant sideshow.

I ran into jogging-suit lady again. I overheard her shouting at a sympathetic photographer who must've been with one of the protest groups or some jerry-rigged right-wing news organization. "...storm the walls! Why not?! You ought to!" she said. I stood off to the side, writing this down but pretending not to eavesdrop, and the photographer saw me and asked who I worked for. He asked how I felt about it. I said I was neutral. The woman, who'd shut up for a moment, fired herself right back up:


I told her it wasn't my decision to make, and I knew even that wasn't worth saying. All I wanted to do was watch as this desperate face shrieked at me, looking rabid and malnourished. The photographer stepped back to shoot this, saying on top of the woman's shouts, "How can you say that? Do you not have a heart? How can you be neutral?"

She went on. "YOU'VE LOST YOUR HUMANITY! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!" "You people?" The young? Media people? Or simply everyone not in her looney camp?

I shrugged. "Alright, I didn't come here to be barked at," I said, and started walking back toward the other end of the mud pit. She kept on howling after me, and some people noticed enough to give me a look. It looked like some of them were smirking—maybe gloating over what appeared to be my defeat in some argument.

"You shouldn't run away! You should engage her!" the photographer yelled at my back. And that would have been no good. There is no engagement worth having at a warped scene like this. She and I could not have had a debate, because for these people, it all rests on arbitrary conviction. You can try to summon up your sharpest arguments and wittiest speech, but it isn't worth using on them. These debates are not about the improvement or evolution of ideas. They are about being convinced that you are right and then landing in a cheap trance like the one the people had entered outside the Woodside hospice. I think what all these people have discovered is that righteousnous is for the taking, and that you can always reassure yourself that the righteousnous isn't false, however much you have to work to fuel it.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Headin' to Pinellas Park: a Prelude

This week, I plan to join some friends of mine in Tampa and proceed to Terri Schiavo's hospice to mingle with the protesters. I must embroil myself in the human circus! I plan to do some posts on this adventure.—Scott

EPFTSW: I live only a couple hours away, I'd have no excuse not to go do this
Steely Wes: Oh, you betcha. They're trying to break into the hospice and give the woman water and bread. (Bread and water. For someone who needs a feeding tube. Yeah, right, guys.)
EPFTSW: I know!
EPFTSW: it's great!
Steely Wes: These people are such morons, it's astonishing!
EPFTSW: it really is a fucking circus
EPFTSW: well, that's fundamentalism for you
Steely Wes: It's like, when God gave out brains, he clearly just gave Florida fewer.
EPFTSW: clearly
EPFTSW: take it from a native, man

Saturday, March 19, 2005


As I prepare once again to get the hell out of Longwood, Fla.:

"For any halfway restless person, the home town, even when he willingly deceives himself about it, is highly unhomelike, a place of memories, of dolefulness, of pettiness, of shame, of being misled, of misuse of energy."
—Franz Kafka, in a diary entry quoted in the biography Kafka by Nicholas Murray.

Solidarity post!

I'm posting this in support of a friend of a friend.

The author of this column in the Florida State FSView works with my buddy and partner in Heinous Blasphemy, Matt Gilmour.

Speaking of blasphemy, the column is gleefully stuffed with it. I find it amusing. The football-crazed jarheads at FSU and elsewhere were appalled, and so they tested the limits of their eloquence in their comments (at the bottom of the page).

Favorites of mine:

I have a degree in English Lit from FSU and feel this article doesn't warrant any attention except the knowledge that is a terrible piece! English major. FSU. Not quite as disgraceful as English major at Northwestern...

I must say that your article is in really poor taste. First off, you have never heard Bobby Bowden compare himself to G-d or Jesus for that matter. Please just spell the fucking word already. We won't have you stoned. But I might get to watch a magnificent bolt of lightning decimate your head.

Are we supposed to enjoy the "erections" 'humor.' You bet your ass.

Football may be a religion to some people, it is NOT mine. I respect Coach Bowden, BUT I WORSHIP AND LOVE OUR ONLY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST! No one's impugning your religion, yet you're already on the shrieking defensive.

So anyways, I stand with this writer and all others who have to endure such cretinous reactions to satire.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Scott and Julie on "healthy" beers

bluberryfields3: its just fucking beer! its poison. POISON. why not make it HEALTHIER POISON?
EPFTSW: hey, good beer is good
EPFTSW: and that's that
bluberryfields3: pishaw and pish
EPFTSW: oh come on
EPFTSW: how is it any more poisonous than other alcoholic beverages, or soda, or anything
EPFTSW: or um, fruit
EPFTSW: or diseased ferrets
bluberryfields3: hehe i didn't say it was any different. just that it's poison. i mean, i'm all for poison sometimes. i used to be a pothead for jeebus' sake
EPFTSW: this is true
EPFTSW: yay for poison
lots of things are poison too, and far worse
bluberryfields3: oh absolutely
EPFTSW: "mix" radio

Saturday, March 12, 2005

On the slaughter of hookers

EPFTSW: hey, that's my act

MntyPythU2: i know. i give you credit for it though.

MntyPythU2: i always sign "The Evanston Eviscerator" on the wall in blood afterwards

MntyPythU2: it really throws em off too, what with being in tallahassee

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Loathed but not feared

Nothing fancy to say about This nitwit.

"Fear and Loathing in the Press Room" is the title of Gannon's first post on the blog he puked up after being exposed as a huckster jackoff. (Frank Rich wrote a little about this today...if you read this blog with any frequency whatsoever, you'll notice I like his column)

Gannon pits himself against a mainstream press that is increasinly wimpy and drifting, but he himself is a pussywhipped shill for the right; if he seeks to align himself with the spirit of Hunter S. Thompson's work, he's got a long way to go. He reminds me a little bit of the Northwestern Chronicle, a weekly labeled by its editors as an "alternative" paper but packed with redundant and vapid bullshit that hardly ever seems to go anywhere. Luckily, the public, even on college campuses, is not easily provoked, either by intelligent arguments or ridiculous ones. People like Gannon will only stir up people who are pathological, dumb and petty enough to dig him in the first place...and even some of those have active enough minds that they'll snap out of it eventually.

I'm not..quite dead

Dear Tiny and Ghostlike Audience:

In case you have any doubts—

This atrocious experiment will continue so long as I have ridiculous or violent thoughts. Humanity will continue to grate on my tender little nerves. Between work at the Sentinel and living at home, I'm usually too tired or depressed to write blog entries. Plus, I'm honest enough with myself to know that most of what I write on here is a tad inane (see the post below this one). But I have to work through the so-so thoughts and the so-so writing if I'm ever gonna get anywhere, and this gigantic electronic whorehouse is as good a place as any.

WHOREHOUSE, I say! Don't try to lay that "Global Community" line on me! I think it'd be more appropriate to call it a "squalid, seedy interchange." The worst of everything, and some good stuff among the trash. That's the charm of it for me. For every god-knows-how-many thousand Scandinavian teenagers discussing their nightclub adventures, there's a few people like Andy or Santi digging up their own curiosity and questions and amusing randomness, not asinine shit. Well, even asinine shit has its place. You just have to know how to present it. Yay rah.

So I'll still be infrequent... A couple of smaller bits stored up that I'd like to write about.

That is all.

Bugger off.