Sunday, March 06, 2005

I'm not..quite dead

Dear Tiny and Ghostlike Audience:

In case you have any doubts—

This atrocious experiment will continue so long as I have ridiculous or violent thoughts. Humanity will continue to grate on my tender little nerves. Between work at the Sentinel and living at home, I'm usually too tired or depressed to write blog entries. Plus, I'm honest enough with myself to know that most of what I write on here is a tad inane (see the post below this one). But I have to work through the so-so thoughts and the so-so writing if I'm ever gonna get anywhere, and this gigantic electronic whorehouse is as good a place as any.

WHOREHOUSE, I say! Don't try to lay that "Global Community" line on me! I think it'd be more appropriate to call it a "squalid, seedy interchange." The worst of everything, and some good stuff among the trash. That's the charm of it for me. For every god-knows-how-many thousand Scandinavian teenagers discussing their nightclub adventures, there's a few people like Andy or Santi digging up their own curiosity and questions and amusing randomness, not asinine shit. Well, even asinine shit has its place. You just have to know how to present it. Yay rah.

So I'll still be infrequent... A couple of smaller bits stored up that I'd like to write about.

That is all.

Bugger off.


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