Friday, January 21, 2005

Today's NYT columnist rundown

Because I'm bored and no one reads this goddamn thing anyway. Two of today's three op-ed columnist lack real analysis.

William Safire is officially turning into a cheeseball. By which I mean someone who's way too easily impressed. He seems to overlook the fact that the president's second inaugural speech—while understandably heartening to many, I'm sure—just isn't that original or profound. Inspiration isn't inspirational if you don't freshen it up once in a while. Appropriate attendee reaction: He talked about spreading freedom as opposed to tyranny. Great. Now lead me to the free booze.

Paul Krugman continues his critique of the Bush Social Security plan. I think his column today implicitly raises a question that needs to be raised: Is there really much of a difference between a government screwing and a corporate screwing? No one ever asks that.

Bob Herbert, not unlike Safire, remains eloquent but fairly generic in his arguments. He's a convincing voice for the left, but lately is more like an orator than a journalist. He and Safire both need to do some more digging, and then maybe this page will be consistently strong and interesting.


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